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Knockout Body 2.0

with Laura!

The Knockout Body 2.0 Program lets you achieve a knockout physique while eating the foods you love! 


Workouts target key areas with efficient exercises in less time.  Below is a sample of the Meal Plan Ebook you will receive.  You will also receive 8 Weeks of Workout Instruction, Food Substitution List, and much more! 

  • many calorie ranges available

  • food substitutions for many of the meals

  • new meals available on private FB page

  • vegetarian & vegan meal plans too!



I want you to be successful with The Knockout Body Program!


You may feel like the holidays are a death sentence for any weight loss goal. But that isn’t true!

This program is going to show you how to make fitness a lifestyle. You will lose a healthy amount of weight per week (1-2) pounds while indulging in delicious foods, and you’ll start the new year feeling amazing and ready to hit the ground running.

How you do one thing is how you do everything, so if you can get a head start to your 2019 fitness goals like this, you’re setting yourself up for an amazing year by starting the year off right.


Knockout Body women are busy and hard working, but they also like to have fun and enjoy themselves. And that’s exactly what you do when you go through this program!

I used to be so nervous before the holidays. I spent years yo yo dieting and rapidly gaining weight, and it was always worst during this time of year.

I would try to stick to my diet, but then I would feel so deprived around the holiday treats and dinners that I just couldn’t sick to my diet anymore. I would give in to one bite of dessert, immediately feel regret, and then end up over eating more later because I felt so guilty and defeated.

I’d wake up the next morning feeling bloated, puffy, and really regretting all the extra food. I’d swear to myself that that wouldn’t happen again, but at some point it would because I just missed eating those foods SO much and I couldn’t control myself around them.

When you follow the Knockout Body 2.0 Workout & Meal Plan, you can go to a holiday dinner, have some dessert and a glass of wine and wake up the next morning feeling leaner. You’ll walk in feeling calm and collected because you will know HOW to indulge and reach your goals.


You can squeeze in a quick but very effective workout to get your metabolism rapidly burning calories. You’ll have some properly planned treats and find they actually make you feel BETTER the next day.
This isn’t an extreme quick fix because extreme approaches lead to extreme disappointment.

This is a lifestyle change that you can maintain forever. You’re knock just going to achieve a knockout physique, you’re going to maintain it.

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After years of gaining weight and then struggling to lose it, I FINALLY learned what was actually required to achieve an amazing body. And it was easier than I thought it was all long! I’ve shared this info with tons of women and changed the way they train which changed the way they look.

This program is for women and men who:
  • want to shed stubborn belly fat, love handles, and cellulite-are tired of having terrible cravings all the time
  • when trying to lose weight and want to eat and feel satisfied
  • want to take the confusion and guess work out of dieting
  • want to accelerate their metabolism-want an easy to follow workout routine that will build amazing curves
  • want to know how to stay on track while dining out
  • want to know how to lose fat over the holidays so they can start the new year as their best self
  •  want to learn what supplements would benefit them most
  • want some accountability and a support system while reaching their goals
  • are dedicated and ready to commit and push themselves to see incredible results!

If this describes you, join me and sculpt a lean, curvy, athletic physique over the next 8 weeks.

If you struggle with:
  • eating healthy and training hard but not seeing results-finding time to cook meals
  • maintaining muscle while losing fat-knowing what to eat and how much
  • staying on track and staying motivated-gaining lean muscle with minimal fat gain
  • gym anxiety or knowing what to do in the gym
  • feeling guilty when eating treats and not knowing how to incorporate them into a healthy lifestyle
  • balancing your busy life along with your fitness routine
  • not wanting to give up going out to eat but still wanting to be fit
This program is going to help you solve these struggles! In 8 weeks you will feel amazing and like you can conquer any other goal.
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What you get with:

Knockout Body 2.0

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